Thursday 18 November 2010

The Music Spot: Jimi Hendrix

Elena Plaza (2º NA):

Famous columnists, when they run out of ideas, write about what just happens to themselves right at the time. Likewise, I´ll try to imitate them.
I've got to admit I'd had an awful night, because of the damn gale force winds and irritating rain beating the tiles. So, in desperation, I switched on the radio and stayed in that way for hours. Everything seemed to be getting worse and worse, and the more hours passed, the worse my mood was. Then, suddenly, the presenter said "Up, it's 6 in the morning, and this is a "guitar non camastron" solo for you all, my friends!!"
Well, to be honest, I couldn't catch the name of the group or singer, but it would have been something like this:

I promise, mates, after a horrible night, this is a real good way to wake yourself up (I mean, both your body and your mood). Jimmy Hendrix versioned Bob Dylan (awesome!) and this is probably the song's very best cover of the song. It can be heard in "Forrest Gump", "Watchmen" and "Battlestar Galactica", and (surprise!) you even can find it on "Guitar hero 5"!

Jimmy Hendrix ( Seattle 1942- London 1970) is considered the greatest guitarist in rock history. His biography is incredible: poor, self-taught, rebellious, he eventually had a tragic, dark death.
From the very beginning, Jimi showed a striking ability to mine, as if it was a precious metal, a stunning, new guitar sound. His dexterity was so powerful that he could play his guitar for more than two hours, even recreating the USA anthem, as it happened at Woodstock in 1969.

Fortunately, his legacy lingers to this day with extraordinary power, energy, and, I can assure you, it's a magical formula to straighten out a bad beginning!

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